3DS MAX绑定基础教程 3ds Max Rigging Fundamentals
3DS MAX绑定基础教程 3ds Max Rigging Fundamentals
在3DS MAX中讲解卡通角色绑定的基础步骤流程,首先重一个已经建模好的模型考试着手绑定,然后逐步添加骨骼控制,最后制作蒙皮和约束等
In this course, 3ds Max Rigging Fundamentals, you’ll discover the skills and techniques needed to bring characters to life by creating a production-ready character rig, ready for animation and beyond! First, you’ll take a pre-made model and travel through the basics of getting scenes ready for rigging, then jump straight into skeletons and controls. Next, you’ll add more complex rigging components like kinematics, custom attributes and industry standard setups like the reverse-foot. Finally, you’ll finish out by attaching the geometry to the rig by skinning and constraints, then enhance the rig even further by adding custom attributes and jumping into the intricacies of the Reaction Manager. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have completed a custom animation rig, have learned the core foundations required to create solid rigs in 3ds Max, and have a deeper understanding of the methods and tools used in the creation of production-level rigs.