交互式真实三维渲染软件 Light Tracer Render v2.2.1 Win破解版
交互式真实三维渲染软件 Light Tracer Render v2.2.1 Win破解版
Light Tracer是一款使用很简单,交互式的三维渲染软件,可以快速模拟真实的渲染效果
Light Tracer is a super easy and user friendly 3D rendering and animation software. With its interactive workflow and effortless rendering tools, you may quickly create amazing-looking images and videos of your 3D models with photo-real quality.
- 安装LightTracerRender-2.2.1-win.exe
- 拷贝LightTracer.exe到安装目录,替换,默认C:\Program Files (x86)\Light Engine LLC\Light Tracer Render\lighttracer-bin
- 防火墙阻止LightTracer.exe联网