Blender步枪建模教程 Gumroad – Game Ready AR-15 Weapon Course
Blender步枪建模教程 Gumroad – Game Ready AR-15 Weapon Course
讲解在Blender中步枪建模的整个步骤,包括图片参考、模型制作、重拓扑、烘焙、贴图材质等,会用到Boxcutter和Hard Ops插件
In this Course, you will be shown the methods in creating an optimized, Game Ready AR-15 in Blender 3D. You will learn how to go though the processes of using reference, making the model, remeshing, baking down details and texturing. In the course, the addons Boxcutter and Hard Ops are used as well as a few other programs and addons but it is 100% not required to have in order to follow along with the course! Other methods of achieving the final result will be shown too!