UE5室外建筑楼房3D模型 Evermotion – Archmodels For UE5 Vol.8
UE5室外建筑楼房3D模型 Evermotion – Archmodels For UE5 Vol.8
Archmodels for UE5 vol. 8包含50个高楼大厦建筑3D模型,300个公共设施模型,比如长椅、售货亭、垃圾箱、巴士站、灯笼、自行车、椅子、街头道具、绿化等,要求Unreal Engine 5.1或者更高版本,包含贴图材质
Archmodels for UE5 vol. 8 includes a big city district scene and 50 complete city buildings – a huge set from which you can create an entire city district. We also included here several hundred smaller elements, such as trees, road signs, restaurant gardens, lamp posts, kiosks, bus stops, bicycles, etc. These elements give city credibility and life.
PDF预览: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kxeEEhGwblQCmxBbA8GTog?pwd=gbqw 提取码: gbqw
- 压缩包14.9GB
- Unreal Engine 5.1或者更高版本