Blender模型切割插件 Slice it v1.0.5
Blender模型切割插件 Slice it v1.0.5
SLICE IT插件可以在XYZ轴上进行等量切割操作,对于比较复杂的模型,可以进行均匀布线切割
The SLICE IT addon allows you to slice meshes in even increments in any X,Y or Z direction instantly. This is a great addon for bending unusual meshes, like text or complex objects. It’s super easy to use and you can find it in the Tools N panel in the 3D viewport. Here are a few videos which can help you understand it better.
- 3.4, 3.5
- 在顶部菜单编辑(Edit)-偏好设置(Preference)-插件(Add-ons)-安装(Install),弹窗里选择对应ZIP安装