Blender 180组车漆材质着色器资产预设 CarPaint Collection
Blender 180组车漆材质着色器资产预设 CarPaint Collection
包含180个程序化车漆着色器预设,支持 Cycles 和 Eevee渲染器,可提供前所未有的照片级渲染控制。您会发现各种汽车油漆和其他汽车材料,每种材料都能以令人难以置信的逼真方式反射光线和细化纹理。
Explore our library of 180 shaders 100% procedural for Blender, optimized for the automotive industry. Fully compatible with Cycles and Eevee, these shaders offer unprecedented control for photorealistic renders. You’ll find a variety of car paints and other automotive materials, each reflecting light and detailing texture in an incredibly realistic manner. Transform your 3D projects into masterpieces with our shader collection.
- 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4
- 在顶部菜单编辑(Edit)-偏好设置(Preference)-文件路径(File Path)-资产库,添加CarPaint文件夹的路径