Blender白马3D模型资产 VFX Grace – White Horse Animation
Blender白马3D模型资产 VFX Grace – White Horse Animation
Blender格式的白马3D模型,包含4K 贴图、毛皮、装配和逼真的动画。它配有逼真的肌肉结构和 Blender 中创建的复杂毛发系统,效果自然逼真。该模型使用 Blender 和 Cycles 渲染器以真实世界的比例制作。它由身体、两个瞳孔、两个巩膜、两个泪阜、牙齿和舌头组成。
This is a high-quality and nice-looking white horse model with 4K UDIM maps, fur, rigging and a realistic animation. It comes with a realistic muscle structure and a complex hair system created in Blender for a natural and realistic effect. This model is made with Blender and Cycles renderer at real-world scale.It consists of the body, 2 pupils, 2 sclerae, 2 lacrimal caruncles, teeth, tongue.