Houdini+KineFX游戏人物模型绑定教程 Udemy – Humanoid Rigging For Games Using Houdini And KineFX
Houdini+KineFX游戏人物模型绑定教程 Udemy – Humanoid Rigging For Games Using Houdini And KineFX
We will start be creating a reconfigurable skeleton that can be posed for multiple characters. This skeleton will also have three different spines this will allow us to examine. These will include two curved skeletons, one with four bones to be compatible with the Unity humanoid rig. The others skeletons are have more bones and will allow us to compare to pitfalls of using curved or straight spines.
- 所需软件:Houdini、KineFX
- 教程时长:42小时42分钟
- 素 材:不包含工程文件
- 字 幕:英文无字幕
- 格 式 :MP4,1280×720