Blender道具模型建模贴图教程 Udemy – Modeling and Texturing Decoration in Blender, step-by-step
Blender道具模型建模贴图教程 Udemy – Modeling and Texturing Decoration in Blender, step-by-step
In this tutorial I will show you how to create an asset package that you can later save in asst browser or for example sell on BlenderMarket or another platform. All objects are modeled and textured from real photos to look as realistic as possible, and in the tutorial I will show you how to create multiple shaders from a single photo to get as much detail as possible.
- 所需软件:Blender
- 教程时长:2小时59分钟
- 素 材:包含工程文件
- 字 幕:英文无字幕
- 格 式 :MP4,1280×720