Photoshop胶片模拟滤镜 Alien Skin Exposure Win
Photoshop胶片模拟滤镜 Alien Skin Exposure Win
Enjoy all the creative tools of film photography, such as discontinued films, dark room tricks, and lo-fi camera quirks. We accurately simulate classic films, like Kodachrome, Polaroid, and Panatomic-X. The result is a photo that looks like it was made by a human, not a computer. There is careful research under the hood, but we keep the controls simple so you can focus on your art. Exposure 6 has a completely redesigned user interface that helps you quickly develop your own look. Across the board everything is faster and much easier to use.
- 运行exe安装
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- 运行X-Force注册机,选择Exposure 4和E-mail activation
- 完成