C4D对称构造建模插件 Lots of Pixels – Fusionthing v1.16 R12-R16
C4D对称构造建模插件 Lots of Pixels – Fusionthing v1.16 R12-R16
- Automatically and flexibly build complex meshes using simple ‘Parent’ guide meshes and ‘Child’ detail elements.
- Model/animate with meshes procedurally – a powerful complement to Cinema4D’s vertex/polygon toolset.
- Allows major structural changes to be made to highly detailed models easily and quickly.
- Advanced shape conform, interpolation and curvature correction to smoothly map child meshes onto parent meshes for a perfect fit
- ‘Immediate mode’ for rapid workflow, ‘Object mode’ for maximum flexibility.
- Create seamlessly welded complex meshes (Great with HyperNURBS!)
- Probabalistic control over which ‘Child’ sub-meshes to use where.
- Over 100 control parameters giving extensive control over combining.
- Most controls keyframeable, and some can even be driven by material channels.
- Recursive detailing limited only by processor speed and memory.
- Optional probabalistic mesh selection and alignment to easily create model variations.