Blender火焰烟雾特效模拟教程 Udemy – Mantaflow Fire & Smoke Simulation Guide in Blender by Stephen Pearson
Blender火焰烟雾特效模拟教程 Udemy – Mantaflow Fire & Smoke Simulation Guide in Blender by Stephen Pearson
讲解在Blender 2.8中模拟火焰和烟雾爆炸效果特效,适用于新手学习
Hello everyone and welcome to the Mantaflow Fire & Smoke Simulation Guide! This course is for anyone wanting to learn about how to create realistic fire or smoke in Blender 2.82. With the introduction of Mantaflow it completely changed how the fluid simulation operates. That is why in the first section I will be showing you the basics and how it works.