10个别墅楼房建筑场景3D模型 Evermotion – Archexteriors Vol.34 (3DS MAX格式)
10个别墅楼房建筑场景3D模型 Evermotion – Archexteriors Vol.34 (3DS MAX格式)
Archexteriors vol. 34包含10个高级别墅楼房建筑场景3D模型,包含贴图材质,3DS MAX格式,Vray渲染器
Archexteriors vol. 34 includes 10 fully textured exterior scenes of modern houses. Every scene is ready to render with professional shaders and lighting.
PDF预览: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1xeEtKC-RMT8OgvOHzGuJMw 提取码: jkbm
- 压缩包28.4GB,解压后40.9GB
- 3DS MAX需要2013 或者更高版本
- Vray For 3DS MAX 3.6或者更高版本