家庭办公室房间内部视差贴图素材 Evermotion – ArchMaterials Vol.4 (3DS MAX+PNG+exr格式)
家庭办公室房间内部视差贴图素材 Evermotion – ArchMaterials Vol.4 (3DS MAX+PNG+exr格式)
Archmaterials vol. 4主要是房间内部视差贴图,贴图可以添加到单个平面,但在3DS MAX渲染中,可以获得具有真实深度感的内部。 房间本身不包含其他真实三维模型, 该系列非常适合在摩天大楼和商店展览中打造室内设计。包含两个制作好的贴图应用场景(3DS MAX格式+Vray渲染器),贴图是PNG和exr格式
Archmaterials vol. 4 is our first Open Shading Language (OSL) Parallax Maps collection of room interiors. Parallax maps can be added to a single plane – but in the render you get an interior with a real depth feeling. The room itself contains no extra geometry, the interiors exist only in a shader. You can easily and quickly add many interiors for your buildings at almost no performance cost. This collection is ideal for creating interiors in skyscrapers and shop expositions.
PDF预览: https://pan.baidu.com/s/11wwqHjdBnoYKbmjHgeFASg?pwd=ap5q 提取码: ap5q
- 压缩包5.69GB,解压后6.69GB
- 3DS MAX 2013或者更高版本
- Vray 3.5或者更高版本