公园栅栏围栏长椅3D模型 Evermotion – Archmodels Vol. 116 (3DS MAX格式)
公园栅栏围栏长椅3D模型 Evermotion – Archmodels Vol. 116 (3DS MAX格式)
Archmodels vol. 116包含26个围栏模型和25个草坪,篱笆,长椅,大门,人行道等模型,包含贴图材质,3DS MAX格式,Vray渲染器
Archmodels vol. 116 includes 26 visualization puzzles and 25 sets of lawns, fences, benches, gates, pavements and more for exterior renders. All models are ready to use with textures and shaders.
PDF预览:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1e3K5h99BjziChpm9kYk75A 提取码: 7gmh
- 压缩包2.55G
- 3DS MAX需要2009 或者更高版本
- Vray For 3DS MAX 1.5 或者更高版本