AE和Nuke色差比较Chromatic Aberration in After Effects & Nuke
We spend a lot of time and effort trying to make our perfect CG renders look a little less perfect. ...
We spend a lot of time and effort trying to make our perfect CG renders look a little less perfect. ...
Krakatoa for Autodesk Maya (also known as Krakatoa MY or KMY for short) is a volumetric particle ren...
特效库: 合成: 视频编辑: HitFilm 2 Ultimates huge visual effects library ranges from cutting edg...
官网: Jawset TurbulenceFD 是C4D上一个主流流体模拟插件,效果很棒。 在线手册: To learn about all the para...
CS5, CS5.5 & CS6 compatibile No plug-ins 3 project included Wedding INTRO; 45 sec and contain 1...
官网: 21 Tv glitch transitions with the aesthet...
Build : 1.5.1 (18/11/2013) 官网: 配置要求requirements ...
ReelSmart Motion Blur features, for After Effects-compatible hosts. automatic tracking of every pixe...
VIDEOHIVE Lovely Slides After Effects Version CS4 – CC | 1920×1080 | 17 December 2013 | N...
IoSim的RealFlow插件合集,包含插件: IoInheritVelocity x64 RF2013 IoKillObject x64 RF2013 IoMelt x64 RF2013 IoMu...
Elegant Slideshow – Project for After Effects After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1920×1...
Videohive Mondo – After Effects Project After Effects CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1920×1080 | 31 Mb...
After Effects Version CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1280×720 | 12 MB Loading \ Screen \ Technolog...
Videohive – Fashion Models Presentation CS4 CS5 CS5.5 CS6 | FULL HD 1920X1080 | No Requires Pl...