3DS MAX模型中心点移动插件 AutoPivot v1.2 For 3DS MAX 2016-2022
3DS MAX模型中心点移动插件 AutoPivot v1.2 For 3DS MAX 2016-2022
It includes two separate scripts that move the pivot to its center or to lowest point.Unlike the standard 3ds command that uses the Selection Bracket, AutoPivot calculates the center of mass and moves the pivot accordingly.
- 管理员身份打开MAX
- 顶部菜单,脚本-运行脚本,拾取AutoPivot_Bottom.mzp和AutoPivot_Center.mzp,进行安装
- 自定义-自定义用户界面,点击工具栏
- 在分类里,选择Visuali Studio,拖拽AutoPivot_Bottom和AutoPivot_Center,添加按钮即可