C4D阿诺德Arnold渲染器 SolidAngle C4DtoA 2.2.0 R17/R18/R19 Win/Mac AMPED+替换破解版
C4D阿诺德Arnold渲染器 SolidAngle C4DtoA 2.2.0 R17/R18/R19 Win/Mac 替换破解版
C4DtoA 2.1版本开始不再支持C4D R16,增加支持C4D R19,如果安装后C4D 打不开,请先卸载插件,然后把C4D更新到最新版本,最后重新安装插件即可
- Support for the native C4D noise shader
- Wrong layout in the Light Manager when closing a light group in the tree
- Texture is locked in the Team Render client
- Memory leak in Turbulence FD
- Crash when translating a mesh light while Arnold IPR is running
- Crash when the IPR is docked in a custom layout
- Frontal projection is wrong in indirect
Getting “NSIS: Error launching installer” when attempting to install.
enmm 很容易崩溃
为什么这版本 材质球变了,连菲尼尔都找不到了,求教