C4D变形金刚镭射教程 Cinema4dtutorial.net Transformers Laser Beak
C4D变形金刚镭射教程 Cinema4dtutorial.net Transformers Laser Beak
At the request of our friends and dearest clients, today we are going to offer a new cinema 4d tutorials transformers which is not so complex.On this occasion we are going to use one of the most beloved transformers as it is the bird laserbeak robot of the original series in the 80′s with the generation one.with this tutorial in cinema 4d tutorials , we will try to explain the process of transformation, there is several methods, but we wanted to do something simpler.This transformers is widely used in films of this genre and the next transformers 4 age of extinction.We also include a brief explanation of the composition in after effects. As usual we include all the examples and render settings in vray, that until now is most used at the time of doing this class of realistic sequencesalso we include the transformers laserbeak digital tutors and the transformations in movie cinema 4d tutorials
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