C4D MAXWELL渲染器全面介绍基础教程 Comprehensive Introduction to Maxwell Render for Cinema 4D
C4D MAXWELL渲染器全面介绍基础教程 Comprehensive Introduction to Maxwell Render for Cinema 4D
mographplus出品的接近8个半小时的教程全面介绍Maxwell Render渲染器的全面使用教程,包含灯光,摄像机,材质,参数设置,优化设置,达到照片级别的真实渲染效果
In this series of tutorials in more than 8 hours and 20 minutes we learn how to use MAXWELL Render for cinema 4d .
Maxwell Render is an unbiased 3D renderer for making photo reallistic images , the good thing about Maxwell Render is that it is really straight forward , It just works .
Lights , Cameras , materials , they are all real world and correct , what amazed me most about maxwell is the fact that there are very few technical concepts and rendering photoreallistic images couldn’t be easier .