三位绘图软件 CorelCAD 2014 build 14.4.28 Winx64

CorelCAD 2014.5 build 14.4.28 Winx64

三位绘图软件 CorelCAD 2014  build 14.4.28 Winx64

CorelCAD是一款非常不错的三维绘图软件,与其他昂贵的三维绘图软件相比CorelCAD可以说非常的低廉。而今天数码资源小编所带来这款最新的CorelCAD 2013简体中文版同时还有破解文件下载包。CorelCAD 2013可提供本地DWG高性能CAD 设计解决方案。以.DWG 格式打开、处理和保存文件,轻松实现协作。借助行业标准的功能和工具,即刻提高工作效率。使用可自定义的二维和三维设计工具准确表达您的创意。

Affordable and powerful CAD software! Experience industry-standard CAD features, precise 2D drafting and 3D design tools, and advanced .DWG file supportall with CorelCAD 2014! Open, edit and share files in .DWG format for easy collaboration with colleagues and suppliers. Communicate your ideas with precision using customizable 2D drafting and 3D design tools. Experience immediate productivity in an environment filled with industry-standard features such as the Ribbon UI and enhanced layer tools. Access and repurpose your design assets from within the new Design Resources. Enjoy the benefits of CorelDRAW graphics support and the customizable options that deliver impressive speed.

Experience a high-performance CAD solution
Advanced .DWG file support
Open, edit and save files in .DWG format for worry-free collaboration with colleagues and suppliers. Save your drawings back to R12 .DWG or .DXF file format and recover damaged CAD files in all format versions.
Precise 2D drafting and 3D design
Achieve complex 2D drafting goals with precise onscreen snap and guide functionality. Naturally progress into the 3D design arena with 3D Solid Modeling tools for creating primitives and advanced 3D shapes using 3D editing operations.
Powerful CAD engine and CorelDRAW graphics
Experience a solid performance on the state-of-the-art ARES CAD platform with 64-bit application power and the most recent OS support, plus support for CorelDRAW (CDR)* and Corel DESIGNER (DES)* direct file import and export.
Customizable options for PC and Mac
Enjoy a flexible hybrid (Wind0ws PC and Mac) application that can be used in a variety of ways and offers a fully customizable UI and automation support, including LISP and VSTA*.







1 Response

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