UE中国风书房场景制作教程 Udemy – Creating a Traditional Chinese Room Environment in UE5
UE中国风书房场景制作教程 Udemy – Creating a Traditional Chinese Room Environment in UE5
讲解中国传统效果书房室内场景制作步骤,会用到Unreal Engine 5, Blender, Substance Painter软件,包括Blender建模、Painter贴图制作、UE里场景灯光和渲染等
In this course, we will go over the entire process of creating a Traditional Chinese Room Environment using Unreal Engine 5, Blender, Substance Painter.We will go over modelling in Blender, texturing using Substance Painter and setting up the scene, lighting, and materials in Unreal Engine 5.