Blender无需建模制作科幻城市场景教程 Gumroad – Creating sci-fi city without modeling in Blender
Blender无需建模制作科幻城市场景教程 Gumroad – Creating sci-fi city without modeling in Blender
- 2,5 hours of narrated videos describing whole process creating complex scenes in Blender/Photoshop
- All PSD.(layers) and PNG. final files
- Blender files of final scene and 3d collection of all assets.
- Blender file with clouds and mist
- References and textures that i picked for this project.
- 所需软件:Blender、Photoshop
- 教程时长:2小时30分钟
- 素 材:包含工程文件
- 字 幕:英文无字幕
- 格 式 :MP4,1920×1080