46组室内绿植盆栽3D模型 Evermotion – Archmodels Vol. 260 (3DS MAX格式)
46组室内绿植盆栽3D模型 Evermotion – Archmodels Vol. 260 (3DS MAX格式)
Archmodels vol. 260包含46个高精度室内装饰绿植盆栽3D模型,3DS MAX格式,Vray和Corona渲染器,包含贴图材质
Archmodels vol. 260 is the collection of 46 sets of indoor plants. You can now bring more life to your interiors with this carefully modeled and textured various plant models. This ornamental plants collection consists of flowers, small trees, small and medium plants in standing and hanging pots. All models are textured and ready to render.
PDF预览: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bwlQIApSeVdjDMG-VJDYVQ?pwd=pxz7 提取码: pxz7
- 压缩包9.61GB,解压后11.8GB
- 3DS MAX 2014或者更高版本
- Vray 3.7或者更高版本
- Corona 5或者更高版本