动漫卡通人物角色细节绘画教程 Coloso – Expressing Atmospheric & Compelling Character Illustrations
动漫卡通人物角色细节绘画教程 Coloso – Expressing Atmospheric & Compelling Character Illustrations
In this class, you’ll learn various tips and tricks to help you quickly develop skills and efficiently improve the quality of your drawings.Learn motor learning theory and psychology used in the field of medicine and rehabilitation for natural-looking drawings.
This class is organized so that students can acquire not just basic illustration knowledge and advanced drawing techniques but also valuable insight on how to apply the skills throughout their artist journey.
- 所需软件:Clip Studio & Photoshop
- 素 材:包含工程文件
- 字 幕:日语英文字幕
- 格 式 :MP4,1920×1080