UE4三维场景环境制作高级教程 FlippedNormals – Advanced Environment Mastery 中文/英文字幕
UE4三维场景环境制作高级教程 FlippedNormals – Advanced Environment Mastery 中文/英文字幕
Environment Mastery is Game Arts Academy’s flagship course. If you are interested in becoming an environment artist, this is the course for you. Learn everything from choosing your environment to executing it and crossing the finish line with an impressive portfolio piece that will surely turn heads. Learn the secrets of the pro’s and never guess what the next step is.
- 所需软件:Unreal Engine 4、3ds Max、Substance 3D Painter、Marmoset Toolbag
- 教程时长:11小时
- 素 材:不包含工程文件
- 字 幕:英文发音,AI精翻中文/英文字幕
- 格 式 :MP4,1920×1080