游戏场景贴图教程 FlippedNormals – Creating Custom Decals for Games
游戏场景贴图教程 FlippedNormals – Creating Custom Decals for Games
自定义三维游戏场景的贴图材质,学习如何创建从程序化贴图到手绘再到雕刻、法线贴图和 POM等,会用到Unreal Engine 5 、Substance Painter、Substance Designer 、Zbrush 、Marmoset Toolbag 4、 Photoshop和3DS MAX等软件
Learn how a professional environment artist works when creating custom decals using various techniques that can be used in-game engines. You will learn how to create everything from procedural decals to hand-painted to sculpted, Normal map only & POM decals, image-based decals, and much more!