Blender衣服褶皱修改器资产预设 Folds Modifier V4
Blender衣服褶皱修改器资产预设 Folds Modifier V4
Folds Modifier是Blender的一款衣服褶皱修改器,可在不进行大量模拟的情况下为角色添加布料褶皱。它利用基于张力贴图和纹理的几何节点设置,您可以通过绘制或烘焙高分辨率模型来创建这些节点。
Folds Modifier is an easy-to-use, real-time solution for adding cloth folds to your characters without heavy simulations. It utilizes a geometry nodes setup based on tension maps and textures, which you can create by drawing or baking from a high-resolution model.
- 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
- 在顶部菜单编辑(Edit)-偏好设置(Preference)-文件路径(File Path)-资产库,添加Folds Modifier文件夹的路径