自然地形生成软件 JangaFX Geogen V0.3.1 Win破解版
自然地形生成软件 JangaFX Geogen V0.3.1 Win破解版
GeoGen 是对地形和行星生成的全新诠释。我们的用户界面流畅直观,让您可以比以往更轻松地生成下一个世界。凭借现代的基于节点的工作流程、独特的模拟和专为游戏而构建的工作流程增强功能,GeoGen 将成为您武器库中的强大工具。
GeoGen is a fresh take on what terrain and planet generation can be, and with all of the incredible competition out there, we know that we have to take it to the next level. Our UI is smooth and intuitive which makes the generation of your next world easier than ever. With modern node-based workflows, unique simulations, and workflow enhancements built with games in mind, GeoGen will be a powerful tool in your arsenal. GeoGen is still in alpha and we have major plans to innovate far beyond what’s available on the market.
- 双击安装geogen_0_3_1.exe,完成后拷贝GeoGen.exe到安装目录下替换即可
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