Blender室内灯具灯光插件 Glare V1.1 – Modern Light Asset + Les Light
Blender室内灯具灯光插件 Glare V1.1 – Modern Light Asset + Les Light
Glare包含超过80组现代室内灯具预设,同时也有多种灯光效果可以选择,支持 cycles和 Eevee渲染器
Glare is an add-on consisting collection of modern light assets which include high quality 3D light assets and IES lights. It consists of 7 different types of lighting fixtures and is packed with 80+ high quality assets which is optimized for both cycles and Eevee render engine. The add-on is designed specifically to those who needs light assets to their projects and ease up the workflow.
- Blender 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0
- 将Glare文件夹复制到Blender安装目录下的addons目录下,比如:C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.xx\scripts\addons
- 打开Blender,在文件-用户设置-插件,即可看到安装的插件了