Blender发型编辑修改插件 Hair Wrangler v1.1.1
Blender发型编辑修改插件 Hair Wrangler v1.1.1
传统的修饰工具,如 Blender 的粒子头发或 Maya 的 XGen,虽然功能强大,却很难掌握。Hair Wrangler通过使用简单、熟悉的 Blender 曲线,它将制作过程转变为快速、直观和有趣的过程。
Traditional grooming tools like Blender’s particle hair or Maya’s XGen are powerful but notoriously difficult to master. The unintuitive workflows, endless sliders, and constant trial and error can leave you feeling more frustrated than inspired. Hair Wrangler changes everything. By using simple, familiar Blender curves, it transforms the process into something fast, intuitive, and—dare we say—fun.
- 4.1或者更高版本
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