创意短片前期故事板编剧教程 Motion Design School – Modern Screenwriter
创意短片前期故事板编剧教程 Motion Design School – Modern Screenwriter
讲解前期一些创意思路故事板的制作,各种软件配合使用去制作特定的元素,了解完整的制作流程, 创意、编剧、编剧、导演、故事板、制作和管理创意团队等
We will understand the principles based on a real video that we created especially for this course. How to create a unique script and think outside the box? How to manage projects depending on complexity and scale?How to inspire people and involve them in your projects? In this course,we will describe all topics that will help you to understand the process of any project. It can be an advertisement, short film, or even a series.