Blender手绘素描粉彩画着色器资产预设 Pastelini Shader V1.0
Blender手绘素描粉彩画着色器资产预设 Pastelini Shader V1.0
Pastelini 将您的 Blender 场景重现为粉彩画和素描。只需选择模型,加上Pastelini ,花几分钟调整颜色和灯光,您就会得到一幅漂亮、传统的艺术品,甚至可以轻松制作成动画。无需 UV,完全程序化,而且速度很快。
Pastelini recreates your Blender scenes into pastel paintings and drawings. You just choose your model, put Pastelini on it, and within a few clicks and a few minutes of playing with colors and lights you have a nice, traditional-looking artwork, which can even be easily animated. No UV’s, fully procedural, and fast.
- Blender 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6