AE卡通复古像素化脚本 Pixelate It V2 For After Effects CS6-CC2017 Win/Mac + 使用教程
AE卡通复古像素化脚本 Pixelate It V2 For After Effects CS6-CC2017 Win/Mac + 使用教程
Pixelate It可以在AE中快速制作8-bit 像素化复古游戏效果
Pixelate It is your all in one solution for quickly and easily creating pixel art animations in After Effects.
- CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6,Win/Mac
- 拷贝PixelateIt.jsxbin和(PixelateIt_Resources)文件夹到Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels
- 不要用中文版AE,中文版表达式会报错
- 偏好设置,Edit—Preferences—General面板下,勾选上Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network
- 脚本不支持你的AE版本(可能性较小)