C4D+AE制作儿童卡通栏目包装开场教程 Building a Pop-up Style Broadcast Opener in CINEMA 4D and After Effects

Pluralsight - Building a Pop-up Style Broadcast Opener in CINEMA 4D and After Effects

C4D+AE制作儿童卡通栏目包装开场教程 Building a Pop-up Style Broadcast Opener in CINEMA 4D and After Effects


Usually, a variety of skillsets and software are needed to bring an animator’s 3D motion-graphics project from start to finish. In this course, Building a Pop-Up Style Broadcast Opener in CINEMA 4D and After Effects, you will develop many important animation skills using multiple kinds of software, all while working on a single project: a movie-themed motion graphics opener in a pop-up style. You’ll work with CINEMA 4D’s great modeling tools and learn how to set up different kinds of cameras. Next, you’ll add animation to your vignettes by creating pop-up effects to keep them alive and moving, afterwards moving onto lighting, rendering, and compositing your project. Finally, you’ll import your composite to After Effects, where you’ll add finishing touches and create a logo for the closing shot. By the end of this course, you’ll have created a high-quality motion-graphics opener from scratch and developed the many skills you need to succeed at every stage of your future animation projects.







1 Response

  1. 武靖峰说道:

    好教程 支持站长
