Houdini影视特效教程 Rebelway – Introduction to Houdini For FX Weeks 1 – 5
Houdini影视特效教程 Rebelway – Introduction to Houdini For FX Weeks 1 – 5
该系列教程一共10周,目前出到第五周,以后有更新的会加上来,该教程全面讲解Houdini 18的各种特效制作的全面使用,中高级教程
Week 01 | HOUDINI
- Introduction to Houdini 18.
- Workflow And Tools.
- Wedging and iteration.
- Hardware & Software.
- Crafting FX workflow.
- Intro to pops
- An introduction to Designing FX
- Timing & Layering
- Create a simple procedural system that uses path finding to create various particles streams
- Create various FX elements using POPs
- Particles Caching and optimization
- NEW: FX Energy design and prototyping the look
- NEW: Simulation setup
- NEW: Guiding particles and creating intelligent paths and Colliders
- NEW: Shockwave design, approach and execution
Week 03 | VOLUMES
- Intro to Houdini volumes and vdb manipulation.
- Intro to Dops and smoke solver
- Create various smoke elements to enhance all the particles FX created week 2
- Volume caching and optimization
- NEW: Creating magical explosion
- NEW: Adding more FX layers to the shockwave
- NEW: Using smoke simulation to enhance particle simulation
- Intro to mantra
- Intro to shading in mantra
- Shading all the particles FX previously created
- Rendering the environment and setting up all the passes need to render our particles FX
- Intro to cops in Houdini
- NEW: Buildings, streets and environment rendering
- NEW: Initial particle rendering
- NEW: Introduction To Compositing
Week 05 | RBD
- Intro to Bullets and constraints
- Fracturing using voronoi and boolean
- What is convex decomposition
- Edge displacement and high-res interior
- Create the constraint
- Simulate the rbd
- Caching the rbd and optimisation
- Setup a workflow for using lowres/higer geometry for simulation vs rendering
- NEW: Houdini 16/17 and 18 and how to transition
- NEW: When to use sop level solvers vs dop level solvers
- NEW: Creating the building destruction setup
- NEW: Building destruction setup and tweaking