PS皮肤柔化插件 Topaz Clean 3.1.0 Plug-in for Photoshop Win/Mac
PS皮肤柔化插件 Topaz Clean 3.1.0 Plug-in for Photoshop Win/Mac
Topaz Clean是一个平滑和处理边缘的PS插件,特别对于柔化处理光滑的皮肤效果特别明显,下载包含Win/Mac的安装包和序列号。
Topaz Clean is a powerful detail smoothing and edge stylization plug-in that simplifies advanced techniques typically used for creating smooth, flawless skin and curly, vectorized effects – allowing you to quickly and easily reduce or remove the depth of detail within images, while maintaining important structural detail and enhancing edges.
You can achieve a variety of smoothing, detail flattening and edge enhancement techniques with the Topaz Clean plug-in. With just a few clicks, you can selectively control the appearance and intensity of detail in your photographs – or eliminate them all together.
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传送门:PS滤镜合集 Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2014 Win/Mac