红巨星粒子套装AE插件 Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14.1.4(含序列号)CC2014-CC2019 Win/Mac Particular 3/Form 3/Tao/Mir/3D Stroke
红巨星粒子套装AE插件 Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14.1.4(含序列号)CC2014-CC2019 Win/Mac Particular 3/Form 3/Tao/Mir/3D Stroke
红巨星Red Giant一共有5个套装,分别为Color Suite,Shooter Suite,Trapcode Suite,Keying Suite,Effects Suite。
Trapcode Suite 14粒子套装包含以下插件,支持到AE/Premiere CC2014/CC2015/CC 2017/CC 2018/CC2019:
- Trapcode Particular 3 AE粒子插件
- Trapcode Tao 1.2 路径三维物体动画
- Trapcode 3D Stroke 2.6.11 3D描边插件
- Trapcode Echospace 1.1.4 三维立体拖尾延迟插件
- Trapcode Form 3 三维空间粒子插件
- Trapcode Horizon 1.15 无限场景(天空)插件
- Trapcode Lux 1.4 聚光灯插件
- Trapcode Mir 2.1.1 三维图形插件
- Trapcode Shine 2.0.4 放射光插件
- Trapcode Sound Keys 1.4 音频关键帧插件
- Trapcode Starglow 1.7 星光插件
- 安装的时候选择需要安装的插件,建议全部安装,安装最后点击蓝色的 Enter Licensing Info ,输入序列号,Submit,关闭弹窗,点击Close完成即可
- 序列号:TCBK2245868172939255
本次更新主要是Particular(点击下载Particular 3.0新功能介绍教程 22分钟)和Form升级到3.0版本(点击下载Form 3.0新功能介绍教程 20分钟)
(Particular 3.0介绍视频)
(Form 3.0介绍视频)
1.注册提示registration failed The red giant service does not appear to be running;could not complete serial code registration.
- 关闭不用管,打开AE,在效果-RG Trapcode – Particular,用下插件,在效果面板里点击Licensing输入序列号注册
2.安装时一直卡在installing red giant link…不动
- 先退出,删除packages里面的com.redgiant.link.zip,然后重新安装
3.安装提示An error prevented the install from completing.The installation log has been written to the Red Giant logs directory in ProgramData
- 删除以下文件夹,然后重装
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Giant Link
- C:\ProgramData\Red Giant
- C:\ProgramData\RedGiant
- C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Red Giant
- C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Red Giant
老师您好,我是MAC系统安装中报错:an error has occurred
为什么我安装了插件后进AE里用粒子插件 弹出这个窗口 ‘TRD012’ is using the same seral number. please re-installthe plug -in with aunique seral number 的?
Premiere 2018 v12.1.2(目前最新版),无法安装,提示:
RG::Deploy::DeployPayload echospace-aemc-win fromPackage com.redgiant.trapcode.echospace.zip
An error occurred, rolling back…
楼主您好,我是win系统,之前安装过低版本的但是删除了,现在安装上了,就是Particular点击designer就显示Trapcope particular was unable to load the Designer.Try reinstalling Particular.网上没找到解决办法,求解!
在电脑的控制面板 卸载了重装,C:\ProgramData\RedGiant也删除
请问楼主,解压同意继续之后出现这个什么原因?蒙蔽了 如下
An error prevented the insteall from complepting.The installstion log has benn written to zhe Red Giant logs directory inprogramDate. 错误阻止了insteall的完成。安装日志已经写入了programDate中的zhe Red Giant日志目录。
我顺便翻译了下 没搞懂 初学者
输入序列号以后就弹出The Red giant service does not appear to be runing; could not complete serial code registration
请问序列号问题怎么解决?显示失败菜单:The red giant service dose not appear to be running; cloud not complete serial code registration.
registration failed。。。。。。咋整
提示 The Red Giant Service does not appear to be running;could not complete serial registration
Trapcode Tao 1.2 90509642123479776933
Trapcode Mir 2.1 85079585234586664989
Trapcode Particular 3.0.0 92608846345644048269
Trapcode Shine 2.0 92338513256767241817
Trapcode 3D Stroke 2.6 91588738256767692766
Trapcode Form 3.0.0 TCBK2245868172939255
Trapcode EchoSpace v1.1 91769344123491994523
Trapcode Horizon v1.1 87419480123494067600
Trapcode Lux v1.4 87689194123456089091
Trapcode Sound Keys v1.4 88419208123489637676
Trapcode StarGlow v1.7 86068670256777585702
楼主你好,mac版14.1.4安装成功后,在AE cc2017里效果下面没有插件,这个是怎么回事呢
RG Trapcode
The Red Gient Service does not appear to be running;could not complete serial code registration.