3DS MAX Vray室内渲染基础教程 Udemy – Vray Lighting & Realistic 3D Render Basics For Interior Designers
3DS MAX Vray室内渲染基础教程 Udemy – Vray Lighting & Realistic 3D Render Basics For Interior Designers
讲解3DS MAX中基础室内渲染步骤,主要用到Vray渲染器,包含Vray灯光设置和渲染设置等基础教程
This course was created for interior designers and 3ds max and vray users that start from beginner level and intend to create their own interior design projects.
In this course I tried to explain based on my practice of creating interior design projects the main concepts that a beginner interior designer needs to know in order to apply and adjust the lights in a project.